
Try to see it my way.../ビートルズ [ 音楽の部屋]

スクリーンショット(2011-03-28 10.51.22).png

We Can Work It Out

Try to see it my way,
do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on?
While you see it your way,
run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone.
We can work it out,
we can work it out.
Think of what you're saying,
you can get it wrong and still you think that it's alright.
Think of what I'm saying,
we can work it out and get it straight, or say good night.
We can work it out,
we can work it out.
Life is very short, and there's no time,
for fussing and fighting my friend.
I have always thought, that it's a crime,
so I will ask you, once, again.
Try to see it my way,
only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.
While you see it your way,
there's a chance that we may fall apart before too long.
We can work it out,
we can work it out.
Life is very short, and there's no time,
for fussing and fighting my friend.
I have always thought, that it's a crime,
so I will ask you, once, again.
Try to see it my way,
only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong.
While you see it your way.
there's a chance that we may fall apart before too long.
We can work it out,
we can work it out.

スティービー・ワンダー(Stevie Wonder)の「We Can Work It Out」。2010年ホワイトハウスで。

ディープ・パープル(Deep purple)の「We Can Work It Out」
2枚目のアルバム「詩人タリエシンの世界 (The Book of Taliesyn) 」から

ザ・ビートルズ 1962年~1966年(赤盤)(期間限定)

ザ・ビートルズ 1962年~1966年(赤盤)(期間限定)

  • アーティスト:
  • 出版社/メーカー: EMI MUSIC JAPAN(TO)(M)
  • 発売日: 2007/10/31
  • メディア: CD

We Can Work It Out

We Can Work It Out

  • アーティスト:
  • 出版社/メーカー: Harmless
  • 発売日: 2005/03/21
  • メディア: CD

nice!(5)  コメント(1) 

nice! 5

コメント 1


by room7 (2011-03-31 18:51) 



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